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Do you want to know what the digital marketing funnel is all about and what stages are involved in it?

For some people, the digital marketing funnel is a complex term to discuss, but we are here to make it easy for you. There are numerous debates and discussions about the digital marketing funnel and its stages. For some people, this whole process is quite similar to the art of marketing and sales.

But that’s not true at all!

Let’s see what digital marketing funnel stages are all about!

What is meant by Marketing Funnel?

This whole marketing funnel process is about understanding the concept of conversion of leads into customers. The primary purpose why this process is named the funnel is because it makes it easy for you to grab more significant leads in less time.

Later on, all the leads are converted into conversions by selecting customers within each step of the funnel process. In short, with the help of the marketing funnel, all your leads are converted into customers, and it starts working as the marketing cylinder. For any marketer, it is mandatory to convert the leads into customers on the earliest basis.

Different Stages of Marketing Funnel with Sequence

There are different versions of marketing funnels having their concepts. And we cannot agree on one at all. They are often dissimilar from one another in terms of stages, which differ according to customers and businesses.

Six main stages of marketing funnels in a sequence are discussed below:

Stage no 1: Awareness

The first stage of this process is awareness. You will be able to get some potential customers through the research and discovery of new customers. And for that sake, you need to conduct some marketing campaigns. This marketing campaign will help you to let more people know about what your brand is and what sort of services you deliver. In short, it’s a sort of raising awareness in someone.

A firm and trusted leadership is generally developed through the arrangement of various events. You can make it happen through social media, webinars, marketing strategy, sending emails, and so on. This is how the whole process of lead generation will be happening. All your collected information will be converted into leads, and these leads are later on transformed into customers.

When it comes to the awareness stage, you can take good help from SEO experts. They will help you promote your product on social media or Google for better awareness.

Stage no 2: Interest

The second stage is about interest! This interest is related to customer intentions which are performed after the lead generation. Within this stage, a customer will collect some basic information about the company, its services or products, and some background details about the company.

Plus, this stage will also open some gateways for other companies to build a strong relationship with the rest of the company to form a more extraordinary leader. You can perform this technique by sending emails to different brands.

Stage no 3: Consideration

The third stage is about consideration! When considering all the leads, you should be considering them as qualified leads, which can, later on, be converted into your customers. Marketers will be sending information about various products through email marketing campaigns. This is how the whole process of converting the leads will be carried out. You can even offer your customers some case studies or free trials of your products.

Stage no 4: Intent

When it comes to the intent stage, you should be conscious of the intention of your targeted customers. Figure out if they want to buy your services or products or not. All you need to do is to carry out the demo of your product. Later on, you can perform a survey to know how many people have liked or disliked your product.

Another best approach would be to list all your products on the e-commerce website. This is how the whole process of lead generation will be happening. Well, this is how you can convince more of your customers to visit your website and get the best of the services they have been looking for.

Stage no 5: Evaluation

The fifth stage is the stage of evaluation! In this stage, the customer will decide to pick any company or brand from where they want to buy the services. You can even rename this stage as the decision-making stage of the customers, which will also decide how much they are loyal to any brand.

And trust me, this stage will also decide the future of that brand to survive in the market.

Stage no 6: Purchase

The last stage is about purchasing! In this stage, the customer has finally decided where they will convert themselves into a loyal customer and start buying the services. Plus, during this stage, sales should be taking care of the customer’s transactions to have an incredible experience.


To wrap up the above discussion, it is pretty clear that involving yourself in a marketing funnel strategy is extremely important for running any business. It would be helpful for your business in various ways such as:

  • Discover essential strategies such as content marketing for targeting the audience even more.
  • It understands the concept of motivations for driving more audience towards the research and purchase.
  • They are getting to know why specific strategies such as downloadable content are capable enough to work at a particular stage.
  • When and how you should nurture the relationship with the leads or the current customers.
  • Plan an effective strategy for successful marketing at various stages of the funnel.

Always take some time out and learn some more basics of the marketing funnel to perform this process excellently. It would help when you did some research to understand the buyer’s journey and target them toward your brand. Make use of your data for building up a data-backed campaign for the sake of nurturing some fresh or existing customers.